This movies, based on the book by the widow of the reporter beheaded a few years ago looks amazing. Angelina nailed it.
I know this is already out, but I don't remember putting this trailer on here. How can Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Andy Garcia and Matt Damon go wrong? I don't care what they're doing. They're hot.
This one has my girl crush, Jennifer Garner in it. Won't be out until the end of September, but Jamie Foxx and my girl crush. Lovely.
Don't judge me, this looks good.
The last two were great, so I trust this will be great too. Remember, this is the only way Chris Tucker pays his bills, with Rush Hours, so go see it to make sure he doesn't have to move into a hostel or something.
Being from Baltimore I will always have a special place in my heart for the original John Waters movie, but from the trailer this looks like it could actually be good. And John Travolta in the Divine role. Lordy.
If you saw, and liked, Omega Man, this is a reinvention of that story, based on the book. Will Smith and some zombie like things. He did so well working with Aliens in ID4, this looks like it's gonna be real good.