Monday, October 09, 2006


I've come to realize something in the last few weeks. I'm only one person. I can only watch so much television during the week. And what happens is, if I don't recap it, I feel bad. Honestly, it takes me nearly a day to recap a show because to be honest, I'm working. Plus, I have to find the pictures, proof the entry and do everything involved in that. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing it, that's why I feel bad when I get behind on shows. So to make myself feel better, for some of my shows I'm going to just give a small, few sentence recap. Of course that won't be possible for a lot of things, and I may try to only write a few sentences, but it may turn into something longer. What I'm trying to say is that smaller recaps will have to suffice for some of the shows. If it's an exceptionally good show I'll try to recap the whole thing. If not, take what you can get. I can't be brilliant all the time.

Other quickies I'd like...