Monday, October 01, 2007


In a post last week, at least I think it was last week, I told you about the upcoming pilots and which ones I thought were good. Wait, before I start with that, there's something you should know about pilots. Pilots are the half hour or hour shows the networks look at and decide if they want to air the show. If they do want to air it, they'll either air it as it is, or they'll decide to rework it. That happened with Bionic Woman. The version I saw the sister was different, she was less cute and deaf. Big difference, but it didn't really make a huge difference in the show itself. In the Grey's spinoff, Private Practice, the woman who plays her best friend was recast, which is bizarre since we already saw the pilot with the original actress.

So, I heard that the pilot of Moonlight, was a lot different then what I saw, which was pretty bad. I decided to give it another try since the guy who plays the lead is hot. I'm so glad I did. They completely reworked the pilot, shot all new material and somehow made the lead hotter. I'm not saying this is 24 or even Prison Break, but it's compelling and did I mention the lead is hot? Check it out, it comes on CBS on Friday and then should repeat on Saturdays.