To all those we lost recently in the last two television seasons...
My husband, my soul mate, the only man in this world that I would ever feel safe with in any situation. I don't know where you are Jack. The last time I saw you was over satellite, you were running away. I'll miss the way you torture suspects and the way you yell "Damnit Chloe!" Your show inspired a nation and, in my humble opinion, is one of the reasons we have a black president, so, thanks. I'll always love you, maybe I'll see you in a TV movie at some point.
Sawyer, you died, at some point, we think. You may have died on the plane, or later in life but came to the afterlife looking like your normal fine self, we're not really sure. All I'm sure about is that I miss you, and your friends, but not Kate, she annoyed me.
Peter Petrelli, I think I miss you most of all. Not because I love you the most, but because you had the most potential that your writers just pissed away. You started out being sweet and goody goody but then your powers got confused, you could fly, you could absorb other powers, you couldn't. I'm not sure how your story ended because I stopped caring or watching. I'm sorry about that, maybe I'll watch you on Blu Ray. Maybe not.
For the ladies and gents who like ladies. Number Six. Your fine ass was just in Baltar's head but we all miss you. You finally got your man in the end, we think. Unlike some people, I think you had a brilliant ending and I was sad to see you go. Although, you're probably still around.
Jim. You had a crazy ghost seeing wife but you were always there to support her. Except when you died and then came back in that other guy's body. That was strange but also really romantic. Even though your show was for people slight older then I claim to be, I still enjoyed it. I hope you and Melinda are doing well and she's not annoying you too much.
Mark, your snarky comments and harassment of Betty, although completely inappropriate, were entirely hilarious. I'll miss your wit, and your old boss is the only reason I'm watching that dumbass show Desperate Housewives, except maybe of course, Eva Longoria. Anyway, you're missed, you cute little thing you.
Michael. I'm sorry to say I didn't see what happened to you. I've been meaning to, but something is holding me back. I mean, to see your tattooed self just one more time would be amazing. I miss your whispery voice and your always sweaty face.