Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I've really got nothin'. It's taken me a few days to finally watch last week's episode because it was extremely dense. I mean, it was a decent episode, but unless you've seen every single episode you'll be completely lost. I've been watching every episode and I'm completely lost. I think maybe if I watched every episode straight through, without commercials, no other sound in the room, with headphones on I might get what the hell is going on, but I don't.

Long story short, they capturedDean with Rachel's help of course. Once they have him they give him some psycho drug that was somehow supposed to make him tell the truth or something. It's a bit confusing since normally they just give them truth serum, but whateva. Marshall gives him a bit too much and he starts thinking he's back in the sixties and tries to run around naked in the mud. Okay that last part didn't happen, but he does start gettin' crazy. Sydney has to go in and comfort him. We learn that the code key was part of "Profit Five" and accesses some sort of computer. Grace and Dixon go in to access the computer and Marshall translates. We learn that "Profit Five" isn't just one organization, but has ties to every spy organization in the world, MI6, CIA, twelve to be exact. Sydney feels like this is way too big for them and is reminding her of "The Alliance" and I'm starting to agree.

In fact, they've been able to reel Sloane back in. He was helping them for awhile in hopes of getting a cure for Nadia. Remember she's a zombie who they're keeping in a coma for everyone's own good. He realizes that she's never going to wake up, and comes clean with the CIA and gives them Dean. Unfortunately, they still need his help and show him they're serious by having Nadia wake up for a few minutes, only to go zombie again. Of course he decides to help them, by killing Dean. He sneaks into the interrogation room and before Sydney can get to Dean and get an access code, Sloane kills him. He makes it look like Dean had been hiding a pill in his cheek this whole time and took it to kill himself. Sydney's not really buying it but her dad thinks it's plausible.

Later Syd asks her dad to help her put the crib together. Cute.

As much as I want to like this show, it's getting harder and harder each week, even though Jen G. gets cuter and cuter each week with her growing tummy. My girl crush lives on.