So, I know this blog is called "primetimetvblog", but I've already diverted from my original idea anyway, by putting up trailers and what not. I, personally, watch every type of television show there is. I watch dramas, comedies, reality shows, documentaries, talk shows, game shows, news magazines, made for TV movies, and of course, soap operas. I'm sure I missed something in there. My secret addiction, which not that many people accept my closest friends know, soap operas. I've been watching Days Of Our Lives since I was a baby. And a few years ago, a new soap premiered on NBC called Passions. Now I know what you're thinking, soap operas are dumb. Well they are, but so is most primetime TV (with the exception of maybe LOST since it takes itself serious enough to not only avoid any dumbness, but be probably the smartest show on TV).
I'm a working woman, I work a lot, about ten or so hours a day, maybe more, and one thing I don't want to do when I come home, is think. That's where my soaps come in. "Oh it's a waste of time" I hear. Not if you Tivo it and fast forward through most of the bullsh**. My dear aunt CP taught me that. She had two small kids and a VCR (just a bit before Tivos) and at night when the kids went down she could breeze through two soaps, Oprah, The Rosie O'Donnel Show, The View and any other show she happened to tape during the day within an hour or so. She would even watch movies on fast forward. You don't really need to see the maintitle at the beginning, unless there's a voice over of course.
But I understand that some of you can't watch TV every night, that's why you come here. And I know some of you, whether you admit it or not, watch or want to watch soaps. It's frakin' good TV. Stupid, yes, but definitely entertaining.
The point of all of this rambling, besides having nothing to do here at work. I mean I have stuff to do, but I'm what they like to call a procrastinator. Anyway, for those of you who don't want to waste time procrastinating, I will be doing a weekly (probably Fridays or Saturdays) recap of both Days of Our Lives and Passions. Passions is gonna be fun to recap because it's ssssooo cheesy. Witches, magic spells, and back in the day, a talking doll (RIP Timmy). For those of you who decide that you want to check this show out, starting in February, The Sci Fi Channel will be airing the show from the beginning.
Definitely let me know if you have any questions because I've been watching both of these shows for a long damn time and love to talk about them.