Just so you all know, I've been trying to post for a few days now and blogger's been having some issues. I'm gonna try and crank out as many recaps as I can in the next few days. But since Idol's on tonight and most of you already know who got kicked off last week, I won't bore you with all of what happened. What I will tell you is America's on crack. Why oh why they kicked Melissa out before they kicked Chicken Little, wait, I don't even want to call him that because Chicken Little is cute, I just don't even know. Not only does his stupid lisp (I'm not bagging on lisps but you shouldn't be singing with one) but when Simon tried to give him honest feedback, he got all uppity and rude. Yeah yeah, Simon can be rude, and sometimes it's fun to watch contestants stand up for themselves, but only when Simon's wrong. He was right, Kevin sucked, trying to do some weird ass dancing and what not.
I know Melissa messed up her lyrics, twice, but she covered it fairly well. I wasn't even really sure she messed up until they pointed it out, and then I saw it over and over again in recaps and on The Soup on E! this past weekend.
The best part of the two shows last week was definitely Stevie Wonder. We got a glimpse of the gang in the studio singing a Stevie song and in he walks. Most contestants start crying, including Elliott who you would swear someone ran over his dog or something. Every intro to a singer they showed the same moment when Stevie walked in and all of their reactions. Interestingly enough, Ace is in nearly every one and he just continues to sing, when everyone else starts balling. I don't know what that means, but I just found it awkward.
Everyone pretty much sucked if you ask me, except maybe Chris, he rocked, literally. Alas, it was Melissa and her forgetfulness that did her in and got her kicked out. If America doesn't vote Kevin out this go round they're frakin' crazy. I'm not putting myself in that group because I don't vote for him.