Thursday, May 18, 2006


Season finales are upon us. All this week and then next week. I'm way behind on my recaps and I'm going to try and spend the next few days catching up.

Oh no, what's going on there? Looks like they're out. But who's with them? Where's Lincoln?

Bear with me for a few days and I'll try to get through some of them. So far we've seen the end of Grey's, Survivor, Prison Break, and The Amazing Race (all of which will be back in the fall) and I have to say that the three hour season finale of Grey's was probably the best written 3 hours of television I've ever watched. I'll try and hit those tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Look, there's blood, and he looks groggy. Is something wrong with Dr. Burke?

PS I've added a couple pics that will hopefully tide you all over a day or two.